Saturday, 16 October 2010

Bible Justified Child Abuse

Here is another reason I despise the Fundamentalist Christian mindset.

When speaking of how to raise a child, one particularly vile example of Fundie, Catherine Cook (who I have mentioned in previous posts) had this to say:

Bring up your child in the way they should go, and they will always keep to it. Teach your child to obey you, and to fear you. It protects the child from harm, teaches them what love truly is, and teaches them to trust you and respect autho...rity. It also teaches them wisdom in making the right decisions all their life. They turn out happier, and healthier with the same families of their own. Otherwise they are constantly facing bad consequences, and terrible life ruining situations. This is biblical. Our heavenly Father has the same love, fearing Him leads to wisdom, which is obedience for our own safety and happiness, or else we face the ultimate punishment for rebelliousness.
If we love our kids, we sacrifice ourselves and our feelings for them. If we love our kids, we invest in their future by bringing them up to live independently peaceful. We do not wait until they are older to discipline them with a beating because we lose our tempers! Do not wait to spank them when your mad. Do it right away, when you aren't mad! Spat them boldly on the behind now, when they are little, and you won't have to yell and beat them and lose your patience all the time later. Instead your life and theirs will be peaceful together, and you stop spatting and spanking at a very young age, because they have already learned respect, obedience, and they actually love you for it! All kids love a limit. It shows them you care!

Let us take this apart, just for fun, shall we?

“Bring up your child in the way they should go, and they will always keep to it.”
Well, yes but there’s ways and means of doing this …

“Teach your child to obey you, and to fear you.”
What!? Is this woman serious, you want your child to obey you out of fear!?

It protects the child from harm, teaches them what love truly is, and teaches them to trust you and respect authority.”
Protects them from what harm? Certainly not the emotional scarring of having a parent they fear! If anything this approach is, I’d imagine, more likely to send the child off the rails later in life!

“They turn out happier, and healthier with the same families of their own.”
Families that I'd hope get treated a fucking sight better than she’s treated her's judging by what she’s said!

Otherwise they are constantly facing bad consequences, and terrible life ruining situations.”
You could of course instil common sense and decency in them, instead of fear and servitude, and achieve the same outcome.

This is biblical.”
No, really? I’d never have guessed. For fucksake, it is any wonder I despise religion!? Is there anything pernicious and evil that the Bible doesn't give justification for?

Our heavenly Father has the same love, fearing Him leads to wisdom, which is obedience for our own safety and happiness, or else we face the ultimate punishment for rebelliousness.”
Ah, I see. God is so loving and caring you have to live in fear of him and do everything he says, else face the possibility of him punishing you. Obviously that’s the way you should then raise your child. Why not get them to sacrifice their favourite pet to you, too, whilst you’re at it! Build a little altar in the garden, wait until they're about to plunge the carving knife into the throat of little Gordon the Guinea Pig and then tell them they don't have to, it was all just a big test to see if they truly loved you. What family wouldn't look back on that memory with a smile. Bluegh, makes me want to vomit.

 If we love our kids, we invest in their future by bringing them up to live independently peaceful.”
For this read “If we love out kids, we invest in their future by bringing them up to fear us and obey us so they will live independently peaceful lives brainwashed that some invisible arsehole upstairs has it in for them if they don’t do exactly what he says.”

We do not wait until they are older to discipline them with a beating because we lose our tempers!”
If you said you were going to beat your child in the UK they would likely be taken off you by the social services, there are laws against it!

Do not wait to spank them when your mad. Do it right away, when you aren't mad!”
Sure, don’t wait until they’ve even done something to upset you. Why not given them a sound beating every morning after breakfast, that’ll set them up for an emotionally health day at school, not that they'll be able to sit down but, Godammit, it'll do them good to stand. 

Spat them boldly on the behind now, when they are little, and you won't have to yell and beat them and lose your patience all the time later.”
You don’t have to beat them and lose your patience all the time later either, unless you’re an unfit parent who is so in love with your God you treat your own children with the contempt He evidently treats humanity!

Instead your life and theirs will be peaceful together, and you stop spatting and spanking at a very young age, because they have already learned respect, obedience, and they actually love you for it!”
Peaceful together because they’re scared shitless of you and emotionally scarred maybe. Spanking at a very young age? How young, 1 day? 1 week? 1 month? Hey, why not punch yourself in the stomach whilst still pregnant, that’ll teach the little bastard not to kick in the womb! They don’t learn if you don’t get ‘em young, remember!

All kids love a limit. It shows them you care!
All kids love a limit? Only if it’s been beaten into them to! It shows them you care. Yeah, nothing says “I love you” more than a sound beating at a very young age.

Catherine Cook justifies this abhorrence by using her Bible. Catherine Cook is a fucking imbecile and unfit parent if she truly believes one word of the vile, nasty, vicious bullshit she has said here. This sadly does not surprise me. Having debated with this wretched creature on the Origin Resource Association Facebook page, I have long suspected she was a vindictive bitch with a mean streak a mile wide. This post served merely to confirm it.

What scares me is this woman may have children. If she does, I hope their friends, family and teachers keep an eye out for bruises and other signs of physical and mental abuse.


  1. in the real world if your in a court case and the judge tells you to shut up, and you dont. the judge will have you taken out by balifs. if you won't leave peacfully what will they do next. fisicaly remove you any way possible. Back in the indian days when the chiefs son thought he was old enough to lead the tribe and told the dad to step down what happened. the chief nocked his son to the ground and sent him back to his tee-pee. the reason our jails are filled, is because theres to many parents out there with no balls to show them right from wrong. why don't we just let them vote. You satanic asswipes must have never red the bible. try the story when god flooded the earth.

  2. Where to start. The appalling spelling? Nah, too easy, let us look at the logic.

    A judge would not be allowed to physically hurt the child. A young child would not be in court to begin with! This negates your argument.

    The Indian Chief might knock down the insolent challenger but would he justify his actions by referring to a bronze age mythology stolen from older religions? No. Again, negates your argument.

    You say prisons are filled because parents don't show children right from wrong? Citation required. You can show a child right from wrong without resorting to beating them - if you do, you're an unfit parent. All I have read indicates that children who are abused are more likely to become abusers. Studies actually indicate that, certainly in the US, the number of prisoners who claim to be religious are proportionately higher than those claiming to be atheists.

    You call me Satanic and presume I've not read the Bible. I'm an atheist, I believe in Satan no more than I do your illogical Sky Daddy. I have, however, read the Bible - this is partly why I am an atheist!

    You end with a mention of god flooding the Earth. Which god? Your god or the Sumerian one? Their flood myth predates the Biblical one. There is NO geological evidence for a worldwide flood, quite the contrary. But then there's no evidence for most of your Holy Babble ;)

    BTW, your spelling, grammar and unnecessary insults are only further evidence of the sort of person organised religion attracts. Were you aware that in studies it has been found religiosity is inversely related to intelligence?


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