Thursday, 2 October 2014

A Tale of Cupcakes & Cretins

Here's a funny thing. You'd join a Facebook page called “Respectful Debate & Sharing Group” and expect it to offer just that, right? Oh how foolishly optimistic of you. Instead what you'd find is that the admin team remove you for confronting homophobes, bigots, reality dodgers and atheist baiters, then blame you for the most pathetic of reasons.

Let me give you an example.

The below picture was posted by one of their members, Barry;

It doesn't raise a topic, it doesn't come with any suggestion of debate, it's a straight attack on atheists and hardly respectful. So I commented to that effect. The page owner, Janel, defended it, to which I said that she would as she isn't the target. She then threw in the tired old veiled threat of “You do not have to be here if you don't want to be.” This is cowardice, it's the pathetic “If you don't like it, leave or be removed” tactic.

Then Barry piped in with the equally tired old canard of “the problem is your conscience has been pricked and you don't like it so are fighting back.” No, Barry, my conscience is clear, I'm fighting back because I'm sick of morons like you taking potshots at atheists on that page (and others) and getting away with it constantly. For all I was sorely tempted, I didn't swear, I didn't blaspheme and I didn't break any rules.

It's not as if the idiots know what the word 'warning' means as, right before booting me, one of the admin, Keith Lythgoe, had thrown his dummy out of the pram defending the OP and telling me to stop complaining, that the admin were “not in the mood”. I wasn't given a chance to reply, I was removed whilst I was typing (probably a good thing under the circumstances, given I was equally not in the mood for their shite and was going to leave in a vitriolic venting of shock and awe proportions that makes this blog update look like Beatrix Potter!)

I'm sorry, the admin team are “not in the mood”? Then perhaps you shouldn't be fucking admin if you can't deal with individual cases competently, instead lashing out at me because you're having a collective baby sulk over what others have done and I played no sodding part in!

My patience with that page and its band of banal bosses has worn thin since I was recently suspended for a few days, again by hair-trigger Keith. Do you know why? It's because I referred to a disgustingly homophobic bigot as “Cupcake” jokingly a few times and as “Tweedle Dumber” once, when he waded into a thread where yet another member was talking utter bollocks and tried to outdo him. We are talking here about people whose comprehension levels would worry a toddler.

So you'd be lead to believe it's fine to be a homophobic bigot, it's fine to make really offensive comments even aimed at other members who are gay, yet if you call them “cupcake” you're removed?

Well, yes, that is precisely the case, as the admin Keith Lythgoe put it in a PM to me...

As far as homophobic remarks are concerned, myself and the other Christians express our convictions about that without hateful or demeaning language.

Really? Who is to decide what is offensive, the one telling the homosexual they have a choice, that they're sinful etc and should change, or the one having to sit there reading it? I'm not gay, nor am I black but I'd be confronting them the same way if they were making racist comments. This bullshit about expressing their convictions is just an asinine way of defending posting offensive crap and not having to defend themselves. “It's my belief” is a shield too often raised by the bigot, usually as they wave a Bible in the other hand.

Well, Keith, why can others not express their convictions? Calling somebody “cupcake” is hardly offensive, it's not like they were called a “poisonous little bigoted piece of filth”, which is frankly what my convictions make me feel they are, yet I would never have posted it.

An example of how respectful their behaviour is towards gay members, this was fine by the admin;

They attempt to fool atheists into thinking they're open and inclusive by having an atheist admin, but it's abundantly evident that whilst he's the only competent member of the admin team he is there merely as a token. His presence is a way for them to dodge accusations they're a bunch of god obsessed, biased arseholes who actually have no respect for atheists or anybody not fitting their narrow minded ideal and so freely allow their fellow delusion dwellers to insult and attack them.

Doubtless Janel Sara, Keith Lythgoe and Lisa Goodson, the three Christian admin, would contend this claim. Yet what of the mass purge of around thirty members that occurred just days ago? Many of these members had demonstrably done nothing to warrant removal, I know for a fact that some had not even posted for several weeks so could not have broken any rules! It appears the admin have descended into a state of paranoia over people reporting posts and members, so went about arbitrarily banning innocent people. It's a shame the idiotic arseholes didn't instead boot those who were the cause of any reporting; the homophobes, the bigots and the baiters.

It's unfortunate but that page was pretty good until a few months ago when the page owner, Janel, took the shortbus over to another page, “The Battlefield”, and stocked up on what can only be termed the window-licking scum of society. Since then the page has become a piss poor imitation of The Battlefield, which itself is a piss poor imitation of an insane asylum crossed with a blocked sewage pipe.

Keith, if you're reading this you said you don't hold a grudge, remember? Neither do I. I do, however, have a blog upon which I can express my convictions. Must be awful not being able to delete this and boot me out without warning. Perhaps had you not blocked my rather than have the decency to discuss this via PM on Facebook I'd not be writing it, but both you and Janel did, so I am. It's not like I was ever rude or abusive in PM, as you both know, so you had no reason. I can only presume you blocked me rather than justify yourselves, which is typical.

Karma's a bitch. Talking of which, say hi to Janel and Lisa for me.

Oh, yes, here's the thread that got me permanently banned, minus Keith's little rant as he removed me before I could screencap that;

[Click image to enlarge]


  1. Very interesting. It is a few of the atheists who were the most disrespectful. There also have been some "Christians" who also were disrespectful too. All of them were taken out of the group. We now have a very awesome group. We no longer have trouble makers in the group and we debate with dignity and respect~

    1. I have been a rather silent member of the group for a few months. I am very impressed with how the group is run. Now that Janel and the other admins banned a few people, the group is very pleasant and people are debating in an adult fashion. You must be a very miserable man to write such a blog.

    2. And you're such a coward you won't even post your name.

    3. Well, hello there, Janel.

      Perhaps you remember me. You booted me from your "respectful" group because I called your attention to your use of the pejorative "homo." I reckon that was disrespectful on my part, eh?

    4. Wait. You seriousky kicked him because of his response to that thread? What was the reasoning? He wasn't being disrespectful. He was pointing out the disrespect being directed toward atheists. This makes it seem like you are okay with disrespect as long as it isnt directed towards you. Thats not very conducive to intelligent and respectful debates

    5. //Now that Janel and the other admins banned a few people, the group is very pleasant and people are debating in an adult fashion.//

      I'll bet that's right. Less like a whirlpool and more like a circle jerk.

  2. I am sorry you are not happy but I have a question for you. Why do you use the F word in your blog? To me that is a sign of insecurity .

    1. The reason is a lack of intelligence as well as a lot of anger in his heart.

    2. Lack of intelligence? That's rich lol

      No anger in my heart. My heart pumps blood, I think with my brain. You might try it sometime.

    3. Well Opinionated Primate your use of words belie you>

      An atheist English and Debating teacher once said to me in class when I used the F word. , and I quote :" Only Losers or the intellectually retarded resort to using swear words or other deliberate belittling tactics when dealing with other people.

    4. Well, I disagree with your supposed teacher, and the far from unintelligent Stephen Fry would say the same thing.

      Grown adults use grown up language. I could also argue that removing people for standing up to bigotry is a sign of losing an argument.

    5. "I could also argue that removing people for standing up to bigotry is a sign of losing an argument."

      Yea kinda like you deleted my comments about you. What a hypocritical douche lol

  3. May I also ask you why you hide behind a pseudo name as well?

  4. The two most hateful groups on FB are this group and the Battlefield group. Of course, they are both run by devout, fundie, christians. Surprise. There is no debate's just a bunch of ass kissing christians. "Oh, I love jesus." "Oh, so do I" "Jesus is king." "This is such a pleasant debate."

    And that Lisa is an out and out lying bitch.

    1. I actually love it when fundie Christians behave the way they do. I figure that with every hateful, stupid remark they make, they drive yet another nail into the coffin of Christianity. They're inflicting far more damage on that hateful religion than we atheists could ever have hoped to.

    2. "And that Lisa is an out and out lying bitch."

      "I actually love it when fundie Christians behave the way they do. I figure that with every hateful, stupid remark they make, they drive yet another nail into the coffin of Christianity."

      You scumbags are making atheists look really bad. I kinda have to side with the Xtians here. Hypocrisy much?

  5. Janel, of course your page is better now, it's because now you can all circle jerk for Jesus and nobody is left to stand up to the bigoted, homophobic filth or rampant reality denial since you wholesale banned almost all the atheists.

    Why do I use the F word? Because I'm a grown fucking adult who doesn't consider it a sign of insecurity but a facet of an adult's vocabulary.

    Why do I use a different name? Because it's a blog, it's my page for which I pay money. It's my choice. Don't like it, don't read it.

    To those attacking me for writing this blog I would say it's your own fault. You allow bigotry. You allow homophobia. You banned those who would stand up to it, hiding behind the pages of the Bible like cowards to justify your poison.

    You'll note that, unlike you, I haven't deleted your comments. Why? Because you're just proving my point lol

    1. She even refers to homosexuals as "homos."

    2. We have not been discussing the homosexual issue at all. And I still say that it is not natural and it is a sin. I do not have a phobia either, and I just happen to have homosexual friends whom I love. We have many in the group who are atheists, and we have an atheist admin as well. I have banned people who call themselves a "Christian," as well as atheists. If they are trouble makers that do not know how to be respectful in my group, they get banned. The rules are spelled out plainly in the group, so there is no excuse.

    3. Amen Janel
      I cant help laughing when I hear the term Homophobia. Who ever thought that term up seriously shot them selves in the foot. I am NOT THE LEAST bit afraid of homosexuals. And from the looks of it neither are the IDIOTS who go round bashing gays!! Because if they where afraid of them they would not go anywhere them!!

      I also have friends who struggle with homosexuality, but they are adult enough to admit that it is a s1in and that they are doing something about it.

    4. //I am NOT THE LEAST bit afraid of homosexuals.//

      That's not what "homophobia" means.

  6. This was written today by Lisa in a group, "No Patrick, my religious beliefs have nothing to do with my view on homosexuality." I guess it's not her religion that makes her a's her bigotry that made her chose her religion.

    1. I wonder how she'd justify her views on homosexuality and same sex marriage without quoting the Bible. I'm betting she'd struggle to form a coherent argument.

    2. Belittlig people is a sure sine of ones insecurity and fear of them as well

    3. I neither fear you nor have any insecurity, so you misread the sine (sic)

      Since encountering Christians such as you online I've been called sinful, evil, a satanist, worthless, that my father is the devil (ironically he was a carpenter like you think Jesus was) and far worse. I've been told repeatedly that I will deserve God's wrath when I die and to spend eternity in hell being punished for my atheism. Think about that - I deserve eternal torture? I've never killed, never stolen, I've put my life on hold for years to help others, I've never even had a parking or speeding fine, yet I'm not good enough for your God?

      That's not belittlig (sic) or mocking, that is straight out insulting and abusive, it's also threatening, or would be if I thought for one moment hell existed - but the fact those saying it do means they are threatening, if only with an imaginary threat.

      So, yes, I lost patience with people who blithely bandy about such terms, who treat atheists with scorn and derision, who pass judgement on others because their god tells them these things, or they think he does because of an old book.

      Barry, if you and I met over a drink in real life we would probably get on okay. I might well end up thinking "He's actually a nice guy". You'd hopefully feel the same, but behind that you'd still have that "It's a shame he's a sinful atheist who will face God's wrath and burn in hell for eternity if he doesn't change".

      I certainly don't hate Christians, far from it. One of my closest and dearest friends is Christian, but she's as disgusted as I am with the fundamentalists who argue against homosexuality, same sex marriage and things like evolution. She is a shining example of how Christians should be in a civilised, modern society, she'd never tell me I deserve to burn for my atheism or accepting a proven scientific fact!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Janel's group is very good group now because there are adults in it that know how to debate respectfully, adults that know how to write intelligently with out profanity, and adults that know how to agree to disagree. I am so glad she knows how to run an excellent group.

  9. By the way, this blog just shows that the Christians are really getting to you. It also shows your true colors.

    1. No, it shows we have a right to reply. One that was denied many of us on that page when we stood up to the bigoted filth that was being posted, even by the admin.

      I find it laughable that you would object to profanity but clearly don't object to homophobia and bigotry. It's curious how so many Christians get their panties in a twist over the F word but don't bat an eyelid at what most decent folk would consider truly offensive.

      BTW, this blog is public - so my "true colors" are at least not hidden behind a closed group where you can spout your poison without the world seeing ;)

  10. Monkey boy uses a fake name so he can spout his ignorance and hatred of God and His followers. This chimp spends EVERY waking hour hating God. How sad.

    1. I don't hate any gods because I don't hate what I don't believe exists, it would be like hating unicorns.

      As to his followers, many are wonderful people. It's not those followers of god/s who end up on here, it's the spiteful, bigoted, homophobic, reality denying idiots who treat atheists like dirt and then hide behind scripture to justify their vile little opinions. I don't even hate them, I hate what they stand for. You know, like Christians say "hate the sin, not the sinner"?

      Oh, and I don't spend every waking hour, but nice baseless ad hom.

  11. So saying the FUCK word hurts your feelings, but being a hateful bigot is okay? It seems like some people really have their values fucked up.

    1. Just because we call sin....sin does not mean we "hate" anyone. You are the hater. And you also hate the truth.

    2. No, you just judge people as sinners and tell them they have to change to suit your God, whom you cannot prove exists. You might not think that is hate, and you might not feel it as hate, but you're not the one on the receiving end of the comments. Oh, and calling homosexuals "homos" is both offensive and bigoted, but it didn't stop the admin using the term.

      As to hating the truth; your truth is not necessarily true just because you have some old book you think can't be wrong.

  12. Janel's group, Battlefield, and Den of Lions are very similar with the caliber of people and the terrible admins. They lie, hate, and say terrible things about people who they call 'sinners', but are unable to handle it when the finger is pointed back at them. And wow, they are all very uneducated. They tend to enjoy fear mongering, hate, hyperbole, and out and out untruths. Oftentimes websites that are actual spoof sites are cited to support their hate. They think these sites are factual because they (satirically) support their personal (unsubstantiated) beliefs. I was mostly sickened when I was in these groups. When I finally called them on their lies, bullshit and ignorance, I was banned. They don't like truths.

    1. Wow! Janel's group is far from terrible. The admins are good, fair and no one lies, hate nor say anything terrible about people. Where are your lies coming from??? You and ones like you are the one's who cannot handle truth. The group is now a great group where the Christians and Atheists all get along and like each other.

  13. I never thought any group could be more ignorant or rude than Tammy's whack-a-doodle group. I was wrong. In fact, Janel's group is so much worse that it removed both Tammy and Loreen for not agreeing. LOL. Stupid-craziness.

    1. The admins in Janel's group are awesome. They are good at getting rid of the trouble makers quickly, and assuring everyone is treated with respect, which is more than I can say about you.

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. H - Y - P - O - C - R - I - T - E

    4. No, I'm not, because if somebody posted the abuse you did on their page I'd have supported them deleting it and banning you. I was never abusive on their page, unless calling them cupcake is offensive. This is my blog, if you don't like it then don't read it. If I was a hypocrite I'd have deleted the posts by Janel, Barry and co. I didn't.


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