Sunday, 26 October 2014

Open Letter to Lions Denialists' Admin

An open letter to Robert Bennett,

Following my tweeting of two of your posts, taken from your Facebook group The Lion's Den, you chose to make the following comments on your group.

"I feel sorry for the guy who is doing this, he is in his 40's and lives with his parents, and spends every waking hour spewing his anti-Christian hate."

"The emotional release he gets from spreading his anti-Christian bigotry and hate must be phenomenal!"

Further down, a response from Barry Wannell said

"Well I trust and pray we can rout out the cancer quickly!!"

Cancer? That's a nice way to talk about a fellow human being, I'm sure Jesus would approve lol

As you obviously aren't giving me right to reply to these allegations on your page I have chosen to address them here.

You might object to me replicating posts I find moronic, which is no more than many do on pages such as Fundies Say The Darndest Things (to which I never post) but never have I, nor would I, make an attack on somebody's private life as you have stooped to. This proves what type of spiteful person you are and that you are in no position to judge me. Yes, I tweeted what you posted but I passed comment only on what you had posted, not on your personal life – that is a line I would never cross.

Let me tell you about me, so you can see if you find your vicious little comment acceptable.

Yes, I'm in my 40's, I'm 43. It's true I live at home, but not with my parents – my father passed in 1987 and, as is customary, we didn't keep him around the house afterwards. I live at home for two good reasons. Firstly I have my own long term health issues which preclude my working, but for which I claim no financial support even though legally entitled to it. Secondly, and this is where I really do take issue with your comment, I am a carer for my mother who is in her 80's and suffering ill health, and for whom my own life and healthcare has had to be put on hold repeatedly for nearly a decade. As to spending all day spewing anti-Christian hate, I don't. I have better things to do.

So it's okay to use this against me, Robert? You feel you were right to drag my personal life into your pathetic attack for the benefit of your baying sycophants?

Some more about me; I've never smoked, taken any drugs and only very, very occasionally touch any alcohol, never having been even remotely drunk. I've never stolen. I've never had a speeding or parking ticket. I give freely of my time to others, often at my own expense, and I am always there for friends when needed. Of course, as an atheist, none of this matters apparently because the bible says we can do no good, but I do think if we were playing “Who's the better person poker” you and your fellow fundies would be facing a Royal Flush with nothing but a pair of twos and a Joker.

Why do I do what I do with Twitter? I'll tell you.

When I joined Facebook I had absolutely no interest in religion. It was a non-issue to me, just as it isn't to a great many in Britain. I was, however, interested in science, so I joined a page about evolution as I was reading a book on it at the time. It wasn't long before I read of how those of us who accepted evolution were being called Satanists, Devil Worshippers and other ridiculous things on Christian and creationist pages, and by the odd troll who would join the evolution page to make idiotic comments. At first I just laughed it off. Then out of curiosity I joined a few pages. What I saw on them has driven me from having no interest in religion to calling myself an anti-theist.

From ignorant denial of proven science, as evolution is, to the stomach churning poison that is homophobia and other such bigotries. I've read things that make the Westboro Baptist Church look mild, including that atheists in America should be put in concentration camps, and worse. I've learned how atheists are treated in America, from prohibitions on holding office (contrary to the Constitution), to polls that show them considered the least trusted societal group, and bars on them even performing jury duty in some states.

Whenever I've joined pages I have not trolled, I have always tried to debate against these things sensibly but I have been met with varying degrees of arrogance, ignorance, scorn and outright hatred. It gets hard to keep your composure when it's always the way, though rarely have I ever let rip and said what I wanted to – but even calling somebody 'cupcake' for their homophobic posts warrants suspension on some pages, because the admin share those homophobic sentiments and defend them.

I've been told that I deserve, yes deserve, to burn in hell for eternity – why? Simply because I'm an atheist! I've had page admins PM me with viciously hateful bile, calling me things like a “disgusting queer” for defending same sex marriage. I'm not gay, I'm simply of the opinion that equality should mean equality! I've even been physically threatened by Christians from the safety of their monitor the other side of the world. Your own wife's PMs to me, to which I did not respond, were hateful and used terms such as “whining pom”, “gutless wonder” and “chicken”. I'm a gutless wonder yet you hide behind a closed page to abuse atheists and spout your nonsense, including your unfounded personal attack on me, and now you're apparently witch hunting for anybody passing me screenshots, threatening and removing some even though they have done absolutely nothing. For the record, nobody has passed me any screenshots, they didn't need to, so you can stop threatening and banning, it makes you look arbitrarily vindictive. You owe innocent people apologies.

It would be amazing if I didn't despise your religion, but contrary to your accusation I do NOT hate Christians. Nor do I hate your god, because I do not believe he exists. It would be like accusing you of hating Zeus or Odin, or unicorns. It is your faith I take issue with when it is taken to extremes, as it is by those seeking to deny equality to others, foist mythology into school science classes and instigate changes to legislation that favour their personal religion and oppress others.

So, yes, I posted some bits I find incredibly dumb on Twitter. That wasn't my intention when I started the account but the temptation to share the stupid was too much. There was a time when I dutifully blanked out the names of all the people, until several told me I shouldn't bother.

As unbelievable as this may seem, my closest friend is a Christian. The difference is, they cannot abide your type of Christian any more than I can. They see you as an embarrassment because they support equality, science and a progressive future.

Just as it does the religions of others displaying such archaic, backward thinking, hateful bigotry, science denial, ignorance and intolerance is harming your faith more than any atheist could ever hope, but you are also harming those around you by perpetuating this fundamentalist mindset that would drag this planet, or at least large parts of it, back to pre-Enlightenment times given the chance.

Maybe after reading this you will understand why I have little time for those who post things about Ian Juby, who even other creationists have debunked, or his ilk as evidence of anything. Atheists on your page are mocked, just as they are on other similar pages, yet mocking Christians is forbidden. I hadn't even posted on your page before you and some others were prejudging and accusing me, I knew there and then I wouldn't last long even if I kowtowed to your every whim. Maybe, just maybe, had I been welcomed without the firing squad loading up their rifles I would have respected your rules.

Yes, I posted some screenshots on Twitter, at least I have never told somebody they deserve eternal torture at the hands of a contradictory loving god. I know which I think is more despicable, and if you didn't post it I couldn't screencap it in the first place. Nor have I made personal attacks on you or your private life, anywhere. So stop being the hypocritical Christian that you are and stop making them about mine. Your high horse is looking a bit tired, it's time to get off.

You and your merry band of atheist deriding reality dodgers can share your delusions in private. I won't share any more screenshots from your page, I didn't realise you were so embarrassed by your beliefs.


  1. Even if you don't share screenshots, I am sure someone else will because the hate and ignorance spewed in that group is too horrible to not be shared with others. People need to see the type of bigotry and stupidity that runs rampant in private. Shedding the light on it is important.

    PS. I am sorry that you lost your father so young. I wish you and your mother the best.

    1. If they are a secret group ,why worry about them,why not just get on with life? when I see the stuff posted by others who don't believe in religion ,I'm mortified by the foul language ,and the level of speech ,I see just the same amount ,if not more ,of hate speech ,these people are free to be religious if they want to be ,just like you are free to be how you want to be ,what is the big deal ?

    2. In principle I would agree, but the fundamentally religious, as we have here and I often refer to on my blog, would often want to impinge upon the lives of others, including the forcing of creationism into science classes, the denial of same sex marriage and so on, and certainly in America these people are getting into positions of power and having influence.

      If the religious kept their faith private there would be no need to speak out against them. They refuse to do so. Staying silent is not an option any longer, not if you value equality, liberty and justice for all.

      To quote Thomas Jefferson "But it does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods or no God. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg."

      He probably never had to debate Christians telling him he'd burn in hell and deserve it. If he did he might have started a blog, too!

      With respect it being a secret group; had they shown me even a modicum of respect and not vilified me before I'd even posted I might have shown them some respect. They didn't, so why should I? What they were saying in their private group would have stayed private do you think, or would they have rumour mongered to anybody else if they saw me in another group?

    3. Just for the record I'd like to respond to this false assumption:

      "He probably never had to debate Christians telling him he'd burn in hell and deserve it. If he did he might have started a blog, too!"

      Yes I did, quite often in fact, have people telling me I was going to burn in hell. I just laughed and went on with my business. Why would I expend any energy on something I thought was a fairy tale? Since I didn't believe in God at all, it didn't bother me one bit, as it is with most atheists - people who lack a belief in God or any other gods.

    4. "With respect it being a secret group; had they shown me even a modicum of respect and not vilified me before I'd even posted I might have shown them some respect. They didn't, so why should I? What they were saying in their private group would have stayed private do you think, or would they have rumour mongered to anybody else if they saw me in another group?"

      Just to clarify - you were called out BECAUSE of your blogs here, which contain vulgar language and screenshots of peoples names and profile images. So you stir the pot, then when someone calls you on it, you play victim and use that as justifying revenge.

    5. Robert,

      Just for the record I'd like to respond to this false assumption:

      "He probably never had to debate Christians telling him he'd burn in hell and deserve it. If he did he might have started a blog, too!"

      ^^^ This referred to Thomas Jefferson's quote, not you!

      Just to clarify :)

    6. My bad :)

    7. Anonymous26 October 2014 15:37

      "Even if you don't share screenshots, I am sure someone else will because the hate and ignorance spewed in that group is too horrible to not be shared with others."

      That's morality by majority, justifying something, saying it's right to do, because 'everyone' is doing it.

    8. Opinionated Primate
      "With respect it being a secret group; had they shown me even a modicum of respect and not vilified me before I'd even posted I might have shown them some respect. They didn't, so why should I?"

      So that's do unto others because they've done unto you?

    9. 1. I've said I won't be sharing any more. I don't give a damn if others do, I'm not responsible for them.

      2. Rod, if I'd been welcomed into that group and not immediately seen attacks and vilification I would have had no reason to "do into others" but I was, and then I was lied about and had my personal life attacked. Excuse me if I find that cause to react.

    10. You are lying again, which is no surprise. The day you were let in the group some people made comments about your blog and twitter work. No one made any comments about your personal life. But hey, you make your won morals, and apparently lying is acceptable. The thing is your followers eat it all up as truth, but if you really look at it, it shows what you really think of your followers - that they are gullible enough to believe any lie you tell them.

      You spew hate towards Christians, then complain when they recognize you and react to what you have done.

    11. You really need to learn to read things in context, Robert. Where in my comment have I mentioned attacks on my personal life when I joined? I didn't. I said I was attacked and vilified when I joined, which I was, and THEN I was lied about etc - I didn't mean it happened when I joined.

      Now are you going to keep being abusive and accusing me of lacking morals and lying? Because if I remember correctly, it you who borderline fucking libeled me on your page whereas I have said not one word about your private life, nor would I. Thankfully my followers appear to have the intelligence to understand what they read, so I'm sure they appreciate you be smirking them too.

      Can we now agree to move on or not, because I'm quickly losing patience with you.

    12. Right on Robert Bennett and Rod Carty!!!

  2. If they would let you into their precious groups you could say this to them directly rather than on Twitter and in your blog. Did they seriously expect that you would just slink away and behave yourself after the way you've been vilified? Chastisement much?

  3. The actual trolls in that group are the admins. They are hate-mongers, bigots and liars. I am friends with the author of this blog and I don't care if they try to blacklist me from their dumb groups. These are nasty people. No matter how many they ban or block from their hate filled group, the screen shots will make their way out. This type of hate always finds a way to the surface. I know they have no shame because they validate their hate with a false sense of some god-derived truth. I pity them.

    1. Renee, you are the hate monger, the bigot and liar. You are the one to be truly pitied.

  4. First off - I apologize for the comment about you living with your parents Steve. I had heard that from someone and made a comment without checking it out first. I made a mistake and I publicly apologize to you for it. Please note that I NEVER said one bad word about your mother or your father. I am sorry you lost your father. I did too in 2002. He was my best friend and my mentor, and losing him was the worst experience I have ever had. I still miss him every single day. And just so YOU know, I have made this apology in my group and edited my OP.

    Second – all of this started when you exposed members of my CLOSED group to your public twitter page, with over 6,000 followers. You showed their name and profile image. You have absolutely no respect for the privacy of others because you think you are the arbiter of what is moral. You set your own morals and have no qualms about exposing peoples real names and images on your public Twitter page. You take screenshots completely out of context, and say venomous things like we are f*cking retarded, or stupid c*nts. You call us every single name in the book. You build straw man arguments (by taking those screenshots out of context) all just so you can get a good laugh. These are real people with real families and real lives. Yet you could care less that they are exposed to thousands of people out there who hate and could possibly want to cause harm those who follow Jesus Christ. I find that reprehensible. What kind of person does it take to do something like that?

    Third – look at the comments directly above mine. Look at the hate. Look at how one person wants this to continue, the exposing of peoples names and images in your public forum, without a single care for the rules of my closed group. They are the hateful ones. There is no hate in my group. We have a very civilised and fun group, and in fact a few non-believers have even said they enjoy the group. There are no hate rants like you wrongfully suggest. What I see is you creating a straw man about me and my group so that you may then attack me and my group and the members of the group and spit your vulgar venom at us. You keep deeming yourself the one to expose us for what we do (which your diatribes of what we do are nothing more than straw man fabrications of what we actually do) , but who is going to expose YOU for your vulgar and hate and lies?

    Lastly – I am 48, and have only been saved for 5 years. I have spent most of my life as an atheist or agnostic, and living my life as such. I was saved when someone challenged me on my view of Jesus Christ. I went out and bought a bible to read the Gospel of John so I could prove them wrong, and I ended up being saved. My family and I work in a field that provides crisis care for those in need. We have helped many people affected by floods and fires, women who have been battered and need food and accommodations for them and their children, and people who are homeless or have lost their job. So I am not this monster that you and your friends make me out to be. You have to realize that you are the one who instigated this by breaking the rules of my closed group less than 24 hours after you were approved to join. That and the fact that your venom s full of untruths.

    I have one piece of advice for you Steve – next time you are about to spit your vulgar venom at someone – take a look in the mirror before you do.

    1. This is my post in my group word for word:

      "I have edited my OP to remove the part about living with his parents. I should not have posted and I will be apologizing to Steve on his blog. Everything else I said stands however. This guy goes out of his way to call us every horrible name int he book, and then violates our rules to spread his filth about Jesus Christ."

    2. Robert,

      I appreciate your reply and the editing of your post.

      You have to admit, I had not even posted in your group and was already being vilified and accused, people alluding to other pages as though I was some kind of menace - well I'm not, I just don't sit back and listen to what often amounts to little short of hate speech without speaking up, not after seeing it almost daily for years. I've been banned recently from another page for saying that a post attacking atheists was clearly disrespectful, on a page hypocritically called "Respectful Debating"! My objection was polite, it wasn't abusive, I merely stated my point. The admin, acting like a bunch of babies spitting their dummies, added me to a long list of other atheists they'd just removed for no good reason. I'm not ashamed of that, I take it as evidence they can't argue their point so they remove the need, it's a common tactic on many pages.

      Nobody has said you are a monster, but nor am I. However I have been painted as one by your group before I'd even posted, and continued to be after I was removed. So who's to blame when I think screw this for a game of soldiers and why should I show respect to your rules if you can't show me any respect? The abuse I got from your wife was uncalled for, too. You'll note I chose to have some dignity and not reply to her insults in kind.

      As to calling you all the names in the book; I don't recall calling anybody "f*cking retarded", certainly nobody on your page, because I personally don't like the term, so thanks for lying about me. It's amazing how Christians bleat about being called names but think nothing of judging and damning atheists and anybody else who doesn't measure up, calling them sinners, hopeless, sons of Satan etc, then wave the Bible as a justification. Well, no, I'm sorry, it doesn't work that way, not these days.

      Will you be unbanning all those people who you have deemed guilty by association with me? Nobody, I repeat NOBODY, has ever passed me screenshots from your page, so your little witch hunt was completely uncalled for.

      I have one piece of advice for you; next time you add somebody to a page don't vilify and condemn them before they've had a chance to even say anything. It tends to piss them off, as you've now learned the hard way. In real life I'm intensely shy, to the point it's been a hindrance, but on here I don't give a flying f**k, if somebody treats me like crap I bury them in a pile of it, it's happened too often for too long and the older I get the less I tolerate.

      As to the comments by others here; I'm not responsible for what others think of your group. They've formed their own opinions by seeing it for themselves. It has a reputation of being worse than The Battlefield, and that place should have a "Now please wash your hands" sign as you leave.

      With regards "filth about Jesus", I consider blaspheming a god or christ I don't believe in to be comparatively mild compared to the poison I read from Christians on a daily basis. That's aimed at people who are demonstrably real, and such comments can be devastating to some. So, yeah, I blaspheme. If god objects he can tell me himself.

      You have my word I will not reproduce any further screenshots from your page. I trust you will not post, nor allow the posting of, any more unfounded or abusive crap about me on your page. Please bear in mind, I will know if so.

      Can I suggest we draw a line under this now?

    3. You are spot on Robert Bennet.

  5. "Will you be unbanning all those people who you have deemed guilty by association with me? Nobody, I repeat NOBODY, has ever passed me screenshots from your page, so your little witch hunt was completely uncalled for."

    So nobody is aye? Yet at the end of your blog you make sure you tell me - "Please bear in mind, I will know if so." So Steve, who is going to tell you? And are you going to just take their word for it or will you require a screenshot? IF you take their word for it how can you do that? How do you know they aren't lying to you? YEt another quandary it seems. And FYI - on my end, there will be no ill words spoken of you in my group from this point forth.

    So that leaves me in a serious quandary then, as to how you posted screenshots from my group AFTER you were removed. But you know what, that is in the past, so I am willing to drop it. As far as the small number of people that were banned, yes we are having a discussion with them, and will allow them back in if they promise to never pass information of ANY kind along. However I will not disclose why those 4 were chosen.

    "I had not even posted in your group and was already being vilified and accused,"

    Yes, they were going on the very words in the blogs you have published right here. Seems you love to build a reputation, then when called on it you play victim. You have to admit you have used pretty much every vulgar name when referring to Christians in your blogs, and have used multiple screenshots when doing so. If anyone questions that - I suggest you look through the archives located at the right of this page. Do I understand that there are hateful groups out there that attack atheists in venomous ways? Yes I do understand that, and agree that such groups do exist. However mine is NOT one of them.

    At any rate I am happy for us to go our separate ways. You have never demonstrated that any of the vitriol you spewed about my group is true, which means you are just making assumptions. You claim you will stop doing that, so if it is true, then I am happy to draw the line right here.

    1. If somebody told me I was being attacked, or even passed me a screenshot to prove it, that does not mean I'd post it anywhere, Robert!

      I have a reputation for standing up to bigots, homophobes, science deniers and hypocrites. Yes. If there was a badge for doing so, I'd wear it! I don't play the victim, if I'm f**king attacked or banned for telling somebody they're a homophobe when they post crap about homosexuals, or attacked and banned for stating a post is offensive to atheists then that would make me the victim lol.

      I know it probably won't count for much, but you have my word - not even one person has shared any screenshots from your page with me. Those you're talking to are innocent collateral.

      Now ... here's a line


      As far as I'm concerned, we have drawn it and it's all done with.

    2. "I have a reputation for standing up to bigots, homophobes, science deniers and hypocrites."

      Great, we are none of those things. What if I said the following:

      "And I am here to stand up to bigots, Christophobes, science deniers and hypocrites."

      See how that works? Are we going to draw the line now?

    3. Yup, except I'm not a Christophobe. If I were I'd not have plenty of very good Christian friends! They're ashamed of fellow Christians who post things attacking evolution or same sex marriage etc.

      Line drawn? Good.

    4. You are most definitely a Christophobe! Every single hateful and mocking and belittling comment on this blog screams that out!

    5. No, to use a line I keep seeing, I have no phobia of Christians lol

      Seriously, I despise all organised religions. I see the damage they have done and continue to do. This blog might be predominantly about Christians but only because it's them I tend to debate, I know the Bible better than the Quran (and apparently many Christians)

  6. "They're ashamed of fellow Christians who post things attacking evolution or same sex marriage etc."

    Since you brought it up I will just quickly address two things: evolution and same sex marriage.

    Evolution - no one denies the evidence obtained by the scientific method that empirically proves that biological life is equipped with the instructions to adapt. The problem I have is when the claim is made that a human an produce anything other than a human, a chimp can produce anything other than a chimp, a dog can produce anything other than a dog, etc. etc, etc. I don't believe we have reached the pinnacle of our knowledge yet, and the deeper we delve into the complexities of DNA and the coding involved, especially multiple layered and nested coding, the more I see intelligent design. Now if you want to call me names for being skeptical, this is your blog, feel free to do so. Keep in mind science is pursuit of truth, no matter where it leads. Mocking people who are skeptical and still searching for answers is probably the most unscientific thing a person can do.

    Now on to same sex marriage. I have nothing to say for or against what the state decides to label the process by which benefits are distributed. If they want to call that piece of paper a *marriage* then that is the states prerogative. My problem with all of that is this - why is the concern for those who push for two consenting adults who are in a loving relationship and of the same sex limited to just two people? Why does their concern for marriage equality NOT extend to multiple (more than two) consenting adults of any gender combination who are all in a loving relationship? Why does their concern for marriage equality NOT extend to two or three brothers (or two or three sisters, or a mother and daughter, or a father and son) who are in a consenting and loving sexual relationship and want to get married? Why is that?

    1. I'll keep it brief, it's gone 5.30am and I'm barely awake.

      I'm not going to call you names, however your description of evolution, of expecting a human to give birth to other than a human etc, is precisely why people like me mock - because it's such a strawman that if you actually believe that is what evolution ever predicted then your ignorance of the subject is astonishing. If any species actually did that it would instantly disprove evolution.

      With regards the same sex marriage; why would it inevitably extend to that? Slippery slope fallacies are a poor excuse to deny equality to people. You do realise that the issue surrounds legal rights, benefits etc that gay people are not able to enjoy due to bans on same sex marriage? It's about a lot more than a bit of paper and marriage is not something invented by Christianity, so you really have no legitimate grounds upon which to deprive an entire portion of society equality.

      BTW, more than two consenting adults, like the Mormons used to have, or numerous biblical characters?

      Night night

    2. I have no ignorance of evolution, but it seems that you do. Let me ask you this - what gave birth to the first human?

      Second, I didn't talk about slippery slopes. I just want to know why your concern is limited to just TWO consenting adults in a loving relationship. Why is that? ANd jsut an FYI - There is no slippery slope if there are people who are in a multiple person relationship that want to get married. An example is the three lesbians recently. And there is the example of the two brothers who are in a sexually exclusive relationship who love each other and want to be married.

      I am truly hopeful that you can answer these questions without the ad homs and straw mans.

    3. I will add that you really have no ground to stand on to deprive two brothers or 3 lesbians from getting married, yet you have zero concern for their equal rights. I just can't figure out why that is.

    4. I'm sorry, but I thought we were drawing a line? Apparently not.

      What gave birth to the first human? What!? You claim to understand evolution lol. You presumably don't doubt that we bred dogs from wolves, yes? So let me ask you this; What gave birth to the first chihuahua - was it a wolf?

      No, because it's a nonsense question. There was no first chihuahua, just a long line of animals going from wolf to chihuahua in progressive, very slight changes. The same applies to humans, there was no "first" human.

      With regards your slippery slope; yes it is, because right now we have large numbers of people being deprived same sex marriage yet you're extending that to incest any polygamy. Incest has good biological reasons for objection. Polygamy is more difficult to object to, frankly, if the adults involved are consenting, and there are cultures in which it's fine, which included Mormons.

      Where will we be drawing this line, or will you be bringing all of the Den over here to have a pop at me? If so, I'll get some drinks and nibbles, we can put some music on and make a party of it.

    5. There was no "first human", Mr. Bennett, and only people with no understanding of how Evolutionary Theory works would ever ask that question. You reveal your own ignorance by asking it. You're making the same idiotic assumption that people like Ray Comfort make when they joke about "crocoducks."

      As much as you Christian idiots talk about it, a chimp suddenly giving birth is not evidence of Evolution. In fact, it would be evidence that Evolutionary Theory was not true at all.

      As for your slippery slope argument (and yes, you're making one) it could be argued that since incest and bestiality all exist *now*, that so-called "traditional marriage" leads inevitably to incest and bestiality.

      Mr. Bennett, you're obviously a Dunning-Kruger victim. If I were you, I'd try to educate yourself before saying anything more, lest you show yourself to be an even bigger moron than you already are.

    6. // I have no ignorance of evolution, but it seems that you do. Let me ask you this - what gave birth to the first human? //

      Total. Fail.

      Whether through stubbornness, or wilful ignorance. This statement is just painful to read.

      EVERY new generation is an evolution of the last.

    7. Look at the ad - homs. Oh well, when you set your own morals I guess the sky is the limit right?

      Funny how you guys deprive equal rights to the two brothers and the three lesbians. How hateful of you.

      As far as evolution there really is no point with all the ad homs from blind believers and adherents in the religion of evolutionism. Feel free to continue your moral-less rantings.

    8. Keep digging, Robert. Calling evolution a religion just shovels more dirt out of the hole.

      BTW, you're the one who kept posting after I said could we draw a line so don't play the victim when people post to explain why you're wrong lol

    9. No, Robert.

      An ad hom would be me saying "You don't understand Evolutionary Theory because you're stupid, and we shouldn't listen to stupid people." I said, "You don't understand Evolutionary Theory, and here's why", giving evidence that you do not, in fact understand Evolutionary Theory.

      So has Steve.

      Which means that our saying you do not understand is not an Ad hom, its a hypothesis with supporting evidence.

      That you do not understand this either is just evidence that you're even less intellectual than you pretend.

    10. On the subject of Evolution being a religion, let's just dispose of this nonsense once and for all. To me, this accusation is ridiculous. I can't ever decide if Creationists who make this accusation are trying to weaken Christianity by equating it with Evolution as “just another religion”, or are trying to strengthen Evolution by doing the same thing.

    11. Here's the thing. Evolution is not a religion. It is a scientific theory that describes one small, if overwhelmingly important, part of the natural world. The fact that this one small part is overwhelmingly important, and thus is taken seriously by billions of people around the planet, does not make it a religion. The fact that it deals with a part of nature does not make it a religion. In fact, nothing makes it a religion, and people who think that Evolutionary Theory is a religion are idiots.

      Let's just make a side by side comparison of the two, shall we?

      Religions are designed to ultimately explain all of existence; not just the physical realm, but the spiritual as well. Evolution, on the other hand, specifically and solely deals with the proliferation of animal species. Evolutionary Theory doesn't even include the origins of life; merely, its about why there's so much diversity in life. And that's all.

      Religions describe humanity's place in the universe. Evolution does not. Evolution explains solely our biological background in relation to other animal species.

      Religions almost always include recognition of and reverence for some supernatural power or powers. Evolution does not.

      Religions have inherent social structures built around their beliefs. While there is a social structure amongst scientists, there is no social structure that pertains specifically to evolutionary biologists, and even if there was one, one would not be required to participate in it in order to be an evolutionary biologist.

      Religions imposes a moral and ethical doctrine on their followers. While evolution has, in the past, been misused in order to justify certain moral or ethical opinions in the past, those opinions are not a part of Evolutionary Theory, but rather are political and social opinions made by human beings that have nothing to do with the science of Evolution itself.

      Religions have rituals and sacraments. Evolutionary Theory has no similar components.

      Religious dogma is static and unchanging, and its adherents are often violently hostile to change, sometimes to the point of provoking bloody and destructive wars whose purpose is to somehow prove who is “right” and who is “wrong.” Ideas in evolutionary biology change rapidly, sometimes on a daily or even hourly basis, as new information is uncovered. This is in keeping with modern scientific methodology.

      So, if Evolutionary Theory were, in fact, a religion, it would be a religion without adherents, doctrine, dogma, restrictions, ritual, or beliefs. The truth is, if asked their religion, the overwhelming response from people who are familiar with and who accept the truth of religion would label themselves as Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, and so on. None would identify their religion as “Evolution”, because the idea of doing so is simply too stupid to be comprehended.

      It Evolutionary Theory is a religion, it is unique in the whole wide world as being the single and only religion ever rejected by 100% of its so-called “members.”

      There is, of course, one definition of “religion” that does apply to Evolutionary Theory. That definition is “something pursued with zeal or conscientious devotion.” However, insisting that Evolutionary Theory is a religion on this basis also makes stamp collecting, baseball, raising chihuahuas, watching soap operas, NASCAR, jazz dancing, Star Trek, Harlequin romances, playing video games, putting together jigsaw puzzles, and Republican politics all religions. Calling Evolutionary Theory a religion in this manner makes the word “religion” effectively meaningless.

      Lastly, its important to note that Evolutionary Theory has been ruled to not be a religion at all by the US government in Epperson v. Arkansas, Willoughby v. Stever, Wright v. Houston Independent School District, and in McLean v. Arkansas Board of Education.

      So give it up already. Evolutionary Theory is not a religion, and you saying so over and over and over does not change this.

    12. You guys are nothing more than blind believers and ardent adherents in the religion of evolutionism. It truly is sad that you just cannot see that. You wouldn't know *science* if it came up and hit you on the head.

      I have no doubt that neither of you could debate your way out of a wet paper bag. Go on believing you are distant cousins to an oak tree. We all know why that is. :)

    13. Robert, you're the one who posted the strawman garbage about humans only giving birth to humans. You've had it explained and rather than accept you were wrong in your description you've chosen to label evolution a religion and post another pathetic little comment about oak trees.

      The irony is, you believe you came from a clump of dirt and woman from a rib. Yet you mock a science supported by the vast majority of scientists, the ones who clearly understand it better than you.

      You couldn't look more ignorant of the subject of you asked why there are still monkeys. It's hilarious, really.

    14. I don't mock scientists, I call out those who blindly believe in something they don't understand and use that blind belief in interpretations and assertions as if they were empirical facts so that they can then use that as an excuse to call people they don't know "dumb f*cking c*nts" for not blindly believing and being skeptical. That's it. Nothing more, nothing less.

      I wish you the best.

    15. So 98%+ of the scientists who actually work in fields related to evolution are either grossly incompetent or perpetuating a hoax that has lasted over 100 years, including Christian scientists like Ken Miller? They're blindly believing it, too?

      That is what you're implying . You're not being skeptical. I read scientific literature and often think something sounds good but needs verification before I'll say yeah, okay, seems legit. You don't, you clearly reject anything that contradicts the Bible, as evidence by your absolute ignorance if what evolution actually says we should expect.

      As to calling people I don't know anything; what if Christians who were calling me a Satanist, some of the devil, damning me to hell and worse - before I'd ever even debated one! It's because I heard of how Christians were talking of those who accept evolution that had me venture onto pages such as yours.

      Now, do we end this and get on with our lives?

      I wish you the best too.

    16. No, I'm not implying what you said. But this is your world where you create your own reality. Lets call it here. Later!

    17. Oh yes it is, you lying little scumbag. You're telling us that you, a half-educated bohunk who still believes in fairy tales, knows more about biology, anthropology, paleontology, microbiology, botany, organic chemisty, zoology, epidemiology, medicine, and biophysics than scientists actually working in those fields.

      You're implying that these scientists are perpetrating a hoax on the rest of humanity. Personally, I find your paranoid conspiracy theories amusing, if boring.

    18. ^There you go folks. I rest my case about these guys ;)

    19. Reading your comments on here, Robert, that appears to be exactly what you're claiming - that almost every scientist in those fields is wrong. In America alone you are implying all of the groups listed in the following link are fallaciously supporting evolution. Worldwide the situation is no different.

      The hubris required to think you know better than tens of thousands of highly trained professionals is astonishing. Denying evolution today should be viewed as no less crazy as those still supporting a flat earth.

      I'd like to know why I was removed from your page, Robert. I had broken none of your rules. I do not think I had even posted there, work and helping admin another page has kept me busy.

    20. Nice straw man and conflations. No, I am not implying anything you have stated, nor have I ever said anything believing in a flat earth. Believe it or not there are qualified scientists with PhD's out there that have a problem with evolutionary theory. You expect me to be like you and call them quacks because they don't follow the crowd. Sorry, that isn't science, that is herd mentality. Good luck with that.

      You were removed as a precaution when this all went down. Is there any good reason why you want to be a part of my group? We aren't looking for numbers. My team and I could care less if we have 50 members or 400 members. The group is designed for non-believers to come in and show us why they believe we are wrong about God. I'm not interested in having non-participating non-believers in the group.

    21. It is not a strawman, Robert. You have committed strawman fallacies with your comments, I have not. Your position is that the overwhelming scientific consensus across numerous fields of study is wrong about evolution, this is the only conclusion one can reasonably draw when reading your comments here. For science to be wrong about evolution would require that the majority of scientists be either wrong or willingly participating in the perpetuation of a lie, this would include all theistic scientists. Perhaps you are under the impression that evolution as a whole is a contentious issue within science. That is not the case.

      If you read my comment above you will see I clearly did not say you believed in a flat earth or had intimated that you did, I likened those who continue to deny evolution to those who support a flat earth.

      I am aware there are scientists who have PhDs who reject evolution but they are in a tiny minority and are predicating their objection not on the evidence but on the presupposition that the Bible is correct. That is not intellectually honest, that is letting the Bible dictate where the evidence will lead.

      Look at Kurt Wise for example. He has a PhD in geology from Harvard but has said "...If all the evidence in the universe turns against creationism, I would be the first to admit it, but I would still be a creationist because that is what the Word of God seems to indicate."

      How can this be considered intellectually honest? He is saying that even if all of the evidence pointed away from creationism he would admit it but then still reject it in favour of creationism. This is the absolute opposite of the scientific method. It is this mindset that pervades many creationist scientists. They wouldn't accept evolution were true regardless the weight of evidence stacked in its favour.

      My removal from your group was a precaution having posted nothing and given you no reason to suspect me of any wrongdoing? That seems an overreaction. I joined your group in hope of debating, unfortunately work and other commitments meant I was unable to participate.

    22. Pull the other one Norman! You have been on line as much as I have and I have regularly contributed to that group while chatting with you on other issues!

    23. I am unfriending you as you have exposed yourself for the Troll you are!

    24. There is your straw man Norman, you pick one guy (that I have never heard of lol) and claim that he represents ALL PhD scientists who understand the problems with evolution. Do you need a pitch fork to help with the straw on that?

      You would do well to understand that TRUTH is not determined by majority vote. The problem with evolutuon is that thwrr are truths (adaptation) mixed in with fairy tales (cross speciation morphology through beneficial mutations).

      And since you claim to have no time to participate in my group then I'll take that as your answer to wanting to be member there or not.

    25. Anonymous, I have not been online as much and have had to deal with work alongside my duties on Facebook. If you were to look at the page I admin you would see my contribution had dropped considerably of late. So you are mistaken or lying. As I have no idea who you are I don't care if you unfriended me, if you were a friend to begin with. Who are you, or can I conclude you are lying?

      Robert, you are demonstrating the ignorance for which people mock you. First you accuse me of saying you believe in a flat earth, I did not, I used it as a comparison of the fringe beliefs that evolution denial is akin to. Now you accuse me of saying Kurt Wise represents all creation scientists. I said he is an example of how the Bible is allowed to lead rather than the evidence, regardless the strength of that evidence. There are other PhD scientists, such as Jason Lisle, who fall into the same category.

      I'm well aware that majority vote doesn't dictate the truth. Nor does the Bible. You do not I presume doubt any other scientific theories, only evolution and an old earth. So the scientists working in those other areas are competent and it is only those who follow evidence pointing away from a literal interpretation of Genesis you consider incompetent. Anybody would draw the same conclusion when reading your comments.

      Currently I would not have time to participate, certainly not regularly, so I'll not request to rejoin your page. This hopefully also means I will not be accused further of being a troll or anything else. To be blunt with you, having seen the appalling way in which you have conducted yourself toward others and me I do not think I would wish to be a member of your page. You seem incapable of grasping the context of a simple sentence so I doubt I would miss the level of debate on offer.

      In response to your PM to me on Facebook, Robert. No, I would not like a one to one debate with anybody from your page. If you don't want me on your page I have no interest in debating any of you in a gladiatorial fight to see how long it is before I give up banging my head on a wall after which they will then claim victory, if they have the grasp of context you posses it would not be long. If they wish to join the page I admin and openly and honestly debate me and the others there they, and you, are welcome.

      Do not bother responding further here. I'm done with you after this. You are not worth my time.

    26. Of course you don't want a one on one debate. I understand. You've been *too busy* to ever comment in my group, but you weren't too busy to take notice that you were no longer there. Interesting. I think I can safely say that I made the correct decision at the time then.

      I accept that you are not up to the challenge. And quite frankly, I really don't care what you deem *worth your time*.

    27. Robert, you should think before opening that mouth of yours to make accusations. I didn't learn I'd been removed until two days ago when I heard of what had gone on with Steve and tried to visit your page only to find I had been removed. Had anybody there had the common decency to contact me I could have explained.

      I frankly don't give a fuck whether you accept I've been busy, you seem to make up whatever suits you about other's private lives. You can attempt to accuse me of whatever you like with your "correct decisions" but I have done nothing and you are the one who libelled somebody and had to apologise, so I'm not in the least bothered. You've proven what kind of man you are.

      It is not that I am not up to the challenge but I've neither the time nor patience to debate a creationist one on one for your vapid little group's private amusement. You can't win a game of chess against a pigeon, especially one with learning difficulties.

      Come to CAA and see how far any of you get defending creationism and stop goading me here. We don't ban members for not commenting on there.

    28. Robert you have done the right thing. Norman is nothing but a liar and a Ignorant troll!

      He talks big here but at the end of the day he is a simple nobody and is too scared to take anyone in your group on in a one on one debate because he knows his ignorance will give him away!

    29. You accuse me of lying as you sit being anonymous yet imply I'm a coward? Can anybody else see the hypocrisy?

      I have no intention of a one on one debate with a creationist apologist who will switch and bait and Gish gallop, which is all you idiots are capable of.

      Come on over to CAA if you want to debate evolution. Don't expect me to play your pathetic little games.

    30. "You accuse me of lying as you sit being anonymous yet imply I'm a coward? Can anybody else see the hypocrisy?"

      Your buddies do it all the time, and even call for others to do it.

      "I have no intention of a one on one debate with a creationist apologist who will switch and bait and Gish gallop, which is all you idiots are capable of."

      Right on cue with the ad hom, oh and lets not forget the vulgar language in your other babbling reply. I guess if its all ya got left lol...

      You are also proving yourself to be nothing more than a liar. I never said you would be debating an apologist. This is just your way of running away.

      I get it though. You can't defend your position because you are a blind believer. Give me a link to your group, and I will be happy to check it out.

      And could you stop playing the victim? It doesn't suit you at all.

    31. Robert, I have sent the link to you on Facebook. I suggest you leave your attitude problem and accusations at the door, it doesn't suit a Christian.

    32. Thanks for the link. You can keep the personal attacks and projections.

    33. Robert, "And could you stop playing the victim? It doesn't suit you at all."

      My response was to that comment. Your attitude stinks, I just threw it back at you. I see that you joined the page I help run and have now left again, without posting anything. You banned me from your page for the apparent crime of not posting anything. You're a coward and a hypocrite.

      I'm done with you. You know what? I wish I had been passing screenshots, you deserve mockery, you're a joke. End of discussion.

    34. Dear Norman - we removed you as a precaution, and planned on having a chat with you and the other 3 we removed. It almost sounds like you are telling me I have no right to take precautions in my group. Funny that. And, after seeing your responses here AND in your CLOSED group, I believe we made the right decision. I am truly sorry if that bothers you, that we would rather not have someone specifically like YOU in our group.

      I know you wish you had been passing screenshots, that really says a lot about you, and just confirms our decision. No matter what you feel about me however, I don't think you nor anyone else (no matter their personal beliefs) is deserving of such vulgar mockery as is displayed in your group and other public online media. We have a right to not have to be subject to you vulgar brand of mockery in our group. There are literally thousands upon thousands of other groups that would most likely welcome your brand of vulgar mockery that you could join and enjoy yourself in. I am truly sorry Norman, but mine isn't and won't be one of them. Have a great life.

  7. You say in your OP that no one is feeding you screenshots; that no one needed to. You also imply an arms-length relationship with what is posted by referring to the whole thread about your screenshots, "and now you're apparently witch hunting for anybody passing me screenshots". However you've posted quotes from that thread in the OP as well. That means either you still have another FB ID that is in the group or someone is passing you information. Which is it?

    1. Good question! Which is it Steve?

    2. If he is telling the truth about no one passing information to him then he definitely does have at lest a second Facebook Account. Whiuch is a definite case of Christiphobia in my view

  8. Apologies for my typo I meant Which and not Whiuch

  9. I said nobody was passing me screenshots, which is true, they were not. I didn't say they were not informing me of the attacks, such as on my personal life.

    Ask yourself this, Robert and Barry; Robert posted a nasty personal attack on my private life. Do you not think I would have posted a f**king screenshot of that had I got one, or if I had another ID in there to take one, instead of only being warned it had happened by somebody concerned my private life and that I was being dragged through the mud?

    I only have Robert's word he's edited his post. I'm choosing to believe him, but these continued attacks on here really are not encouraging me to respect that bloody line we supposedly drew last night!

    Now, do we all move on or not? I could just turn off comments on this blog and deny everyone the right to reply that I was.

    1. Steve, if you want someone to pass you screenshots, I'll do it. I've infiltrated their page. I'm in there with the same sock-puppet I used to get into Reliablility. If its good enough to fool Arsey Dubya into making me an admin of his page, I can use this one to twist their tails a bit.

      It'll be fun. I'll especially enjoy showing the public just what kind of idiot Barry Wannell is. Just give me the word.

    2. It's sorely tempting, Jack, especially as a line we supposedly drew last night appears to have been urinated on, but I've given my word I'll not share any more of their posts.

      Though if the attacks and accusations continue I might get back to you :)

    3. Jack Butler what is the name of your fake account in my group?

    4. This is the reason I will not interact in your group, Robert. You have to remove the invading cancer first.

    5. Calling people a cancer is acceptable huh?


    6. Figure it out yourself, Robert. Should be easy, a man as smart as you proclaim yourself to be.

    7. "Calling people a cancer is acceptable huh?"

      Calling people f*cking c*nts is acceptable huh?


      "Figure it out yourself, Robert. Should be easy, a man as smart as you proclaim yourself to be."

      Nah, I'm not worried. Your hate and ignorance will get the best of you.

  10. By the way I have held up my end of the bargain - no one is trashing you Steve. Hopefully that will count for something to you, even if your friends without morals could care less.

    1. Robert, you've not upheld your end, you're still attacking me on here because you can't read things in context.

      As to what others say or do, it's not my problem, but saying they have no morals is not the way to go.

    2. I have held up my end, no one is trashing you in my group. Go ahead and keep attacking me in public. Its what you do best.

    3. You have made nothing but snide comments and insults since I thought we'd drawn that line.

      Maybe stop posting and let the bloody matter drop?

    4. Done, I wish you the best.

  11. We meet again Jack Butler.

    I pity people who resort to fake accounts in order to try to get revenge. That smacks at desperation

    1. It is to be expected, Barry, remember what the bible says.

    2. Barry, you calling me desperate is the height of hypocrisy. You're the person who blocked me because I was being "mean" to you by showing everything you said was a complete and utter lie.

      Because, and this is a direct quote of you, Barry, "Nobody needs to know the truth!"

      Please, whine some more, liar.

    3. Jack 2 things
      1 I have not lied on any page in Facebook. If one lies you need a perfect memory to maintain the Lie. While I have a reasonably good memory it is FAR FROM perfect!

      2 I have gone through my blocked list. I have not blocked you! Now I am an Admin in 3 different groups I can not afford to block anyone.. The only people I have blocked now ARE OBVIOUS FAKE accounts with ridiculous names . Unless you are of course going by one of the following that is!!

      A Wretched Man Unblock
      Sigur Stranglegastur Unblock
      Antitheist Inquisitor Unblock
      Beardy Gitt Unblock
      All Lord Unblock
      Durg Frippleburger Flopnik Unblock
      Burzum BlackThrasher Unblock
      Themost Interestingman Intheworld Unblock
      Elvis Knucklehead Unblock

    4. Also I have never said "Nobody needs to know the truth!"

      You are obviously mistaken there Jack We all need to know the truth.
      And that is that God has offered each and every person the gift of eternal life.

    5. No, you blocked me because I was making you look like the childish, arrogant lying putz that you are. And you did, in fact, tell everyone that no one needs to know the truth. I've got witnesses, Barry. You know it, I know it.

      You're a pathetic little man with delusions of adequacy, and the fact that I am here backing Steve up scares you. We both know this to be true as well.

    6. Well Jack that if that is the case that I have blocked you then you are admitting that yo are one of the following because as I have said they are the only ones in my blocked list now and have been for several months !!

      A Wretched Man Unblock
      Sigur Stranglegastur Unblock
      Antitheist Inquisitor Unblock
      Beardy Gitt Unblock
      All Lord Unblock
      Durg Frippleburger Flopnik Unblock
      Burzum BlackThrasher Unblock
      Themost Interestingman Intheworld Unblock
      Elvis Knucklehead Unblock

      So Jack which one of them are you then?

      I am not the least bit scared of you . Your belittling comments however prove that you are scared of me!

    7. Sorry for the typos.

      I repeat I have never said that " no one needs to know the truth. " On the contrary I t is important that everyone does in deed know the truth!

      John 8:31-32

      31 So Jesus was saying to those Jews who had believed Him, "If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; 32 and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free."

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    9. I will have to leave it at that as I am about to head off on a well deserved and long overdue holiday. While I will go on Facebook regularly to fulfill my commitments on the groups and pages I admin, I will have far better things to do with my time then to bother to come on here!

  12. Clearly no more screenshots need to be shared, they are happy to post their insane comments on an public page for all to see

  13. I find it appalling that anybody would resort to such hate filled rants and drag somebody's personal details into any discussion...For me this is simply somebody lacking the intellect to respond in a reasonable way so they resort to childish name calling...Its actually very sad and to call people cancers well that is disgusting and shows clearly that these are not the kind of people who deserve to call themselves followers of Christ....Hang your head in shame I pity you truly I do it must be so very hard to live with such hate

    1. I couldn't agree with you more, have you seen the vulgar and violent ways the owner of this blog has referred to people and their personal lives? Just click on some of the other blogs he has written and read them. I find it reprehensible. He does this on his Twitter as well. It is sickening!

    2. Where have I made comment about people's personal lives? I've most certainly never LIED about somebody's personal life, I've never accused them of anything they have not themselves told me.

      Bearing false witness? Tsk.

  14. It's not that hard to get into "Den". All one has to do is friend a few of the people in the group, wait a few days, and then send a request to join. I have done it 3 times and have been admitted each time. You would think that people who think they have some kind of personal relationship with an all-knowing god would have a better sense of discernment, wouldn't you? Maybe they need to pray more. LOL

    1. LOL (triple facepalm) no need for all the cloak and dagger ignorance.

      But hey, if hiding like a coward makes you feel safe, who cares ;)

    2. Why people even want to go in to a group with a fake account ? As Barry Wannell has mentioned above that really does smack at desperation or even being downright childish! GROW UP PEOPLE!

    3. Just to explain why some use fake profiles, it's not always to infiltrate groups or spy and sneak in them. There are many, especially in America, whose family life would be extremely difficult if they 'came out' as atheist. They could even lose their jobs. Using a fake profile allows them to debate without jeopardising their personal life. Not all of them are doing it to troll, some actively need to do it.

    4. I am sorry Steve but I just do not buy that!! How come in almost every case that are active trouble makers trying to sow hatred and discord?

    5. Sorry once again typos abound!! they not that

    6. Right on, Barry Wannell!!! Groups run so much more pleasantly without them. People are actually intelligent enough to agree to disagree. What a concept!

  15. A group that is so one sided it feels the need to rant about those that hold a differing opinion to them for me is a scared group..The Den is such a group, For those who follow the words of Christ there should be no fear there should never be the need to resort to petty childish name calling and dismissing those who do not believe as cancers......One more time shame on you Christ would be appalled at your so called Christian behaviour...

  16. Sometimes you have to use a fake account in order to get into certain groups in order to witness the hilarious stupidity that happens within. Additionally, it's nice to actually witness the bigotry and hate so that you know what kind of people we deal with in the real world. These type of hateful bigots tend to hide behind closed doors (like these closed groups where they don't like to be outed). I am sure the people who these bigots work with have no idea the hateful ideas that go around in their brains (if you want to call them that). I am sure they are liars to their faces and then talk hateful smack behind their backs. The only way to know what kind of people they are is to come up with a sock puppet and get inside their lair. That's where all of the hate spews out openly.

    The most hateful and ignorant groups who I have come in contact with are: The Lion's Den, The Respectful Group (haha..that's ironic), The Battlefield, and Atheism Religion & Conversations.

    1. "The most hateful and ignorant groups who I have come in contact with are: The Lion's Den, The Respectful Group (haha..that's ironic), The Battlefield, and Atheism Religion & Conversations."

      I see, so those are the groups that you spewed your ignorant BS in and got your stupid ass kicked out of. Thanks for the info.

      Anyone else see the incredible irony when this idiot says hiding is bad, while he hides? ROFLMAO

  17. No matter how one goes on at ther end of the day, having a fake account is tiotally childish . Any one who has a fake account to "Infiltrate" needs to seriously GROW UP!

  18. I should randomly trawl blogspot more often. The intro was a bit long, but the comment body was starting to get exciting. A nice balance of tit for tat. But then someone mentioned that if a man can marry a man then they should also be able to marry their brother and I gave up reading. I had another 50 or so comments left too, but the argument was lost there cos I lost respect for one of the arguers. Even if I don't really see the point of same sex marriage myself. Shame. But I hope there will be a round 2.

  19. People often have to use sock puppets to get into certain groups because those groups are so afraid of the real opinions and perspectives of some people that they refuse entry to anybody who may think differently to themselves.....Its sad that the only way they can testify for Christ is behind closed doors where they spew their vitriolic hatred I feel sorry for these people I truly do..They are so insecure in their own belief they cannot debate those who think differently, sad so very sad...Open the doors and allow everybody in and then see how well the discussions go allow freedom of speech and see what happens then instead of the dictatorship of Christ that accuses and insults those who do not believe

  20. ^The irony is as thick as a brick.

    1. There are debate groups where people actually debate with respect, love and intelligence. Why is it that real ones spreading hatred are the pots calling the kettle black????


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